Monday, November 15, 2010

Action Figures and Lessons on God's Kindness

Before I start, let me clarify that I am a grown man, and I am thoroughly confident in my adulthood.

I collect action figures. Specifically DC superheroes like Batman, Superman and Green Lantern. The specific type is often difficult to find, so there is a lot of browsing Walmart and Toys R Us (good thing I have kids to use as an excuse to go), or trying to find a cheap on-line dealer. Occasionally, they run an exclusive line to Walmart. This means if you don't find it there, good luck paying retail prices on Ebay. (Hint, it doesn't happen.) So Friday I made a run, based on the info that these things were starting to hit stores all over the country. I admit I actually prayed that they'd be there, and fully explained to God that I realized this was totally un-spiritual and sort of indulgent. There weren't any out, so I asked a sales associate if they knew when any might come in. She went to check, and ten minutes later she returned with a box containing just what I was looking for. I was so glad to have just saved a ton of time and gas trying to catch these elusive plastic heroes and I thanked the nice lady, and made my purchase.

Then, I remembered my prayer. And I realized that God's kindness isn't always in the form of the super-spiritual. How often have you found a parking spot right there at the door that was open? Or gotten a random check in the mail when you needed it? Or heard a favorite song just when you were needing it?

The truth is, God cares about what makes you happy. He doesn't always make it happen, but He loves to see you smile. Every now and then, He gives you that little cherry on top- that "I know you'll like this!" type of kindness.

I know some people will say these things are just coincidence, or random things happening. And you can believe that, but I choose to believe that there is a personal God who loves me. A God who desires to show me kindness, even in the inconsequential things. And why would God show so much kindness?

" Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?" --Romans 2:4

Paul is saying God puts off His wrath to show His kindness so that you'll repent. Why stop at just the withholding of wrath as His demonstration of kindness? Jesus would kindly allow an adulteress to live, and nudged her toward repentance. He was kind to Zacchaeus, who then made his tax collector indiscretions right.

When I found those un-important action figures, it showed me God cared. And if God cared about the little things in my life, maybe I should to. Those little moments of indulging in sin needed to be paid attention to. God cared enough to try to make me smile with a little thing, maybe I should care enough to honor Him in the little things.

So, I thanked God for the action figures. And for His kindness.

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