Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pick Your Favorite Character

I admit, I'm a sucker for the totally goofy Facebook personality quizzes about which Friends or Lost or NCIS character are you. I think deep down its sort of like wanting to be a cooler, better version of yourself. And if we're really honest, when we watch movies or read books, there are certain characters we identify with more closely, we see a bit of ourselves in them.

For years, I saw myself as either Chandler or Ross from Friends. Chandler was the funny one, Ross the lovesick one (Ross was more the High School me). On Lost, I used to want to be like Jack, no Locke, no definitely not Locke, wait...Ok, lately its Sawyer or even Hurley as they ahve each evolved. And while I would never want to be like him, Ben and I share a few less than savory character traits.

And thats really it when it comes to characters we love and love to hate, we see glimpses of ourselves. When you plop down in front of the TV, or grab a favorite book, which character is your long lost twin? Who do you most want to be like?

Biblically speaking, there is One we are to imitate. Paul tells us to imitate him, as he imitates Christ. We should then be loving and compassionate, yet strong and focused.

I think its OK to look at these characters as possessing traits we wish we had. If the Losties can overcome Others and Smoke Monsters, we can take that bad boss. If Frodo can bear a heavy burden, we can deal with the weight of our responsibilities.

As for me, I'm looking for a character to inspire me to be a better husband and father, a stronger leader, and a more hopeful person. What about you?


Taylor said...

I think that you should sign the post so that I know who is writing this. I usually assume that it is Chad (I think Kristin actually signs her name or obviously gives it away by mentioning something womanly).

And yes, I understand the "one flesh" principle, but I still think that it would be nice to know!


Lehrmann said...

Good call. Mostly now its just me (Chad), but I'll take that up.