Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Semantics, or Verbal Acrobatics

This past week, a few of us have started to talk through the vision statement of the Gate. It leads us to an issue I have been thinking through for some time about how the church talks. We have some great words, like "salvation," "sanctification," "supplication," and those are just some of the "s-'s." The problem is that there are a lot of people in the church that don't know what some of them mean, let alone the people who are outside the doors. I'm not advocating dropping the words at all, but I do think a bit of explaination is necessary for non-regulars to to get an idea of what is going on.
An example: Some good friends of mine are computer guys. I've actually heard them joke about someone who "doesn't even know how much RAM he has." It wasn't me they were talking about, but it might as well have been. Conversations with them often turn to computer stuff. I'm with them up to a point, but there are some words I just don't know. I know bandwidth has something to do with the internet and not the waistline of the drummer. Sometimes I wish they would hand me a list of terms with definitions so that when they come up in conversation, I might be able to keep up.
Sometimes I think new people coming to a church might feel like me in a room full of computer techs. "What does that mean?" "Jesus was WHAT so that we could WHAT?" "Er, what kind of bandwith is Jesus running with?"
So, if some day our church has meetings like other churches, and you visit, I hope to have someone hand you a Glossary of Terms. As we talk of God and use those great, lasting, powerful words like Salvation, you'll understand what we mean.
But if you have computer questions...

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