Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Got a Story for Ya

A little over a year ago, Kristin and I (Chad) reached a fever pitch in our desire for something to give. Months, and in some ways years of questions, frustrations, fears, and longings came to a head. We were to start a church.
I don't know if you ever tried to start a church from scratch, but its not as easy at it looks. Unlike baking a cake, even if you have all the ingredients, how to put them together is no science, despite what some books and people tell you.
And then there's the little detail that all the ingredients are scattered about the country, and you don't yet know exactly what they are. So, the cake analogy becomes a scavenger hunt. Only finding what you want in the scavenger hunt often finds you reconsidering if that is what you really want or need. What we set out to be as a church was completely different by the time we moved to College Station, the site of our 'plant.' Gone was a desire to find funding, and be really structured. That was replaced by a very strong desire to just 'be.' Some call it 'organic,' we call it the Gate. Each step we take is into an unknown, we may rise or fall, go to the next level or step back. The things that remain are a desire to be a Servant Church and to engage and challenge the college students and young adults that most churches can't, don't, or won't reach.
See, we got to the place of being open to God's call to the unknown because we had grown bored of the lesser things that seem to bog down so many followers of Christ. Oh, we still do fall back into them, but we so hate to be stuck in that mediocrity of simply knowing about God and never encountering Him.
I guess this blog will be about that journey from here on out. It'll also be about our family's journey, and hopefully the funny stuff that happens to people who try new things.

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