Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mother - Hardest Job Ever!

Hey Y'all! This is Kristin. I figured since Chad wrote a post maybe I should too. I figured he will probably post about the Gate, so I'll be posting more about our lives in general. To start at the beginning Chad and I have been married 6 years. We have two little girls. Leslie is 3 1/2 years old and Kenna is 20 months. I am a stay-at-home mom. While I absolutely love it--it is the hardest job I've ever had! I'm thankful that God is allowing me to stay home with them. In NO way am I a perfect wife/mother. To prove that point I will let you in on what God has been teaching me the last week or so.

I have become a HUGE fan of the show "Jon and Kate Plus 8". As I watch in awe of how this family of ten relates to each other in their daily lives I realize Jon and Kate have given their children tons of fun opportunities. You see I have fallen deep into the "Selfish Mom Pit". I turn on the tv as soon as my girls get up in the morning and they watch HOURS of it during the day. I'm not talking like 2 hours it's more like 6-8 hours a day. I know this is completely wrong. I've had the attitude that I want to keep them out of my hair and quiet. As I watch Kate deal with 8 kids instead of just 2, God is showing me that I'm missing tons of fun, learning opportunities with my girls. So, now I'm trying to spend more quality time with them and enjoy the gift it is to stay at home with them during this busy, crazy, and AMAZING time in their lives.

So there you go. Just because I'm married to a minister doesn't mean I'm a perfect wife and mother. I just wanted to get that out early so people will see we struggle with the daily grind just like everyone else. One of our goals with this blog is to be completely real, honest, and transparent. We're not going to put on a facade. What you read is what you get. We desire to honor God more than anything else. Right now...I'm gonna take my girls outside to play in the sprinkler. I think that would make God smile. :)


Fincher said...

I also love Jon & Kate + 8! They are amazing!

Alyson Sandlin said...

You mean ministers' wives don't have it all together???? Welcome to the blogging world. Watch out! It's addicting!

Alesha said...

Kristin! I'm so glad to find you guys! :) Thanks for being transparent - it takes a dose of humility, but is the only way anybody will ever see Christ in us! Love ya, sister!