Friday, July 25, 2008

Layin' Down the Law

Ugh. So here's the story of our lunch time today. I heated up some leftover pizza (always a favorite...or so I thought). Leslie asked if we could have a picnic in the playroom and since they were really sweet this morning I decided that was a good idea, too. Leslie sat down and I put Kenna's bib on her and sat her down as well. I then went into the kitchen to fix my lunch. It wasn't long before I heard Leslie, or "Little Momma" as we call her, tell her little sister "Kenna, sit down and eat!" I knew immediately what was going to happen. Kenna decided she didn't want to eat any pizza today. She had eaten ONE bite and thought that was enough. Well, I am NOT a short order cook, so Kenna was going to eat the pizza or nothing at all. Now something else you need to know is how much Kenna loves Winnie the Pooh. If he is anywhere in sight Kenna will spot the "cubby little tubby all stuffed with fluff". Now back to the story at hand. I had started a Pooh video for the girls right before lunch. So, I realize what my ammo is to make Kenna eat some more. Leslie finished her pizza. She asked is she could be excused. I told her she could and "why don't you go watch the Pooh video?" She responded, "OK!" and bounced off happily. Kenna thought she would get to go as well. This is where the battle began. I stopped her and told her she had to eat before she watched Pooh. The screaming that ensued was horrendous. I was in it now though. I had stated the law and now had to try my best to be consistent and follow through. (Sometimes that is the hardest part of parenting for me. I don't want to be the bad guy, but at times it is inevitable.) Anyway, she was being really stubborn which is a little strange since she is usually my laid back child. All she wanted was for me to hold her. I decided I couldn't give her what she wanted at that moment, so I ignored her. I got a load of laundry and put it in the washer while she followed me still screaming at the top of her lungs. After starting the washer I looked down at her and asked if she was ready to eat. She nodded and said, "uh huh." We walked back into the playroom, sat down on the floor and she ate 2 pepperonies. At that point I knew I had had enough and I was pretty sure she felt the same way. I wiped her tears, gave her a hug, and told her I was proud of her for eating more pizza.

So, how did I do? What would you have done in the situation? I'm open to comments and suggestions. Honestly, I'm just glad we both survived and I didn't scream or yell and loose my temper. I feel like I laid the law down in the end. She did eat more before she got to watch Pooh. Wasn't that the whole point anyway?


Taylor said...

Hmmm, that is a good one. Glory is not a big eater and sometimes we give her too much. In that case, I decide exactly how much I want her to eat, separate it so that she can see her goal, then give her the choice to eat it or not (not eating it means little or no desert).

I am always saddened when we try to plan something fun and different (like your "picnic") and then sin enters into the child to destroy what could have been a joyful time. However, those are also some of the best opportunities for learning and growth...assuming I, as the father, do not mess up.


Fincher said...

You saw how this played out yesterday with me and mine...

As if you couldn't guess, she ate a whole kid's hamburger for dinner, and all but 3 fries!

You have to stay strong. Winning now and establishing who is in control will pay off later when the stakes are much higher.