Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mythic Adventure

I have never set out to conquer a legendary beast high in the mountains. I am not an explorer of strange locales. I have never embarked on a quest to destroy any kind of jewelry, let alone a magic ring bent on world domination.

That doesn't mean my life is without adventure. Roller coasters, snow skiing, rock climbing, parenthood- I even owned a sports car once. But is any of that really mythical?

A Mythic Adventure is, to me, the combination of a Mythic God and Mythic Person. A mysterious deity who guides a person of consequence to an amazing conclusion. This adventure is equal parts mystery and challenge, one never knows what might be coming next in your journey.

Now, as far as I know, our world is lacking Grendels and Saurons, and I'm pretty sure that there is no lost world of dinosaurs under our feet. So, what can be our mythic adventure? I believe a Mythic Adventure is God's calling to you, and your passion to pursue it.

A Missionary goes on a Mythic Adventure. A Corporate Executive pursues a Mythic Adventure when they set out to change the unethical nature of their business. Teachers engage in a Mythic Adventure as they guide their students to better themselves. But only if they see it that way.

A Mythic Adventure is just as much about how you see it as it is about what you actually are doing. Do you think what you're doing matters, that it really impacts eternity? A daily bus route can be more of a Mythic Adventure than climbing Mt. Everest if you see it as a vital thing in the eyes of God. The real question is, is your pursuit something that matters to God? If the answer is yes, then pursue it with all you have. Get caught up in it. Take chances. Come alive.

I'm a part of a group growing a new (hopefully) kind of church in a college town. This can be draining as much as it is exciting. It depends on my attitude and perspective which it falls to. It can be mundane or Mythic, depending on how I pursue it. What are you pursuing- what is your life's calling at this moment? Are you viewing it as something that matters to God, and therefore has eternal consequence?

If you want a Mythic Adventure, just look around, you may be in one.

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