Monday, June 1, 2009


We've noticed our girls have different angry reactions over the years. Leslie tends to default into screaming or crying. Kenna gets a "Hulk face" and sort grunts in an unnaturally high pitch. Different things set them off, too. Kenna gets set off by the slightest thing not going her way and Leslie has begun to be set off primarily by Kenna.
Like the girls, Kristin and I have different anger reactions and different triggers, and you probably do, too. Its really amazing when I think about the trivial things that make the girls scream or grunt, and then place them side by side with the trivial things that set us grown ups off and I realize that we are not really different than our kids. Selfishness begets anger- I, Kristin, Leslie or Kenna doesn't get what they want/gets their space or rights infringed on and we scream, grunt, pound on the steering wheel or yell.
Think about when you get angry, and I bet you get angry- 9 out of 10 times- over something that makes your life more difficult. Things like political parties, automated bank systems, taxes, kids, 'inconsiderate people,' technology, etc. In the moment our anger is justified, even righteous, but as time passes, we look in the mirror of reflection and see not a dignified adult fighting for righteousness, but instead see a preschooler throwing a tantrum.
There are things worth getting angry over- injustice, lies that lead people astray, the sin that hinders us, maybe taxes, etc. But in truth, our anger over these is, more often than not, passive. It doesn't merit a raised voice, let alone movement into action. Maybe we should be angry that people are being lead away from God, or held in bondage. Maybe we ought to be as angry and active about that as we are about bad drivers or bad leaders.
Maybe I'm talking to me.

1 comment:

Taylor said...

I have never thought about anger in this way. It is an interesting thought that I will have to think about some more.

By the way, I do enjoy your blog. Especially these thought provoking insights into our behavior and relationship with God.
