Monday, May 9, 2011


Its the time of year when college students graduate.  Or go home for the summer.  Or get internships.  Or go on mission.  Or work at a camp.  Or- well you get the idea.

Being that college students are the bulk of our church, normally I find this time of year kinda stressful.  With most of our congregation gone, questions of whether or not to keep meeting at the bar and who else can we invite to join us begin to weigh on me.

That's normally.

But this year, the students going out from the Gate are going out seeking God and seeking to share the love of God.  They are going all over the world, literally.  So I want to take a chance to offer them up to you, as examples, and for prayer.

Staying somewhat locally, Rachel and Lindsey are working with Impact- a  retreat for incoming freshmen at A&M that is not unlike Fish Camp.  The difference is that Impact is intending to point these fish toward Christ, providing them opportunities to meet other believers and learn about churches and organizations that honor Christ.  Rachel and Lindsey are going to be key in speaking into the lives of those students.

Neil will be bound for California and an internship with an engineering firm.  He is seeking to let God grow him through this experience, and to be challenged by God to trust in Him more. He is also hoping to be an example of Christ in the lives of co-workers and fellow interns.

Nate is bound for Southeast Asia to work with English Language classes.  He is going with his home church and they hope to reach the people of this area with the hope of Christ.  They need prayer for protection, wisdom, and boldness.

The last group of students I ask you to pray for are our graduates.  We've had graduates before, but most have moved on with their post-graduate careers here at A&M.  Jessica will be graduating and going to Med School here at A&M this fall.  Joseph will be graduating and seeking his career in the Financial field.  Mitch and Lauren have been with us since almost the beginning, but they will be heading off to seek their future- Lauren in the Metroplex to continue her education and Mitch is seeking a possible internship in Washington DC.

As Christ sent the disciples out, telling them they had His power and authority, He now sends these young people out in His Name.  Pray for them.  They will be His ambassadors to the nations.

But then, so are we.  You and I.  We are called to be His ambassadors- to the ends of the earth and even in our own homes.  As much as we want to celebrate and remember those who are seeking these adventures, we must remember that there are lost souls, hungry people, and believers who need love and attention right here with us.  All around us.

So we are all commissioned.  And we all have His authority and power.

"He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
                                                              -- Luke 10: 18-20

Let us go forth.  Let us speak of Him.  Let us see miracles happen.

But may we rejoice because we are known by Him.


Scott Nelson said...

Great word of reminder and encouragement, Chad. Thanks.

Alesha said...

Thank you, Chad....well said.

Chad Lehrmann said...

Coming from you guys who spend your lives being the 'goers,' that means a lot.