Monday, August 31, 2009

Kenna- the Dog whisperer, and Leslie the Jealous

So, here is what has been going down for the last few minutes. We hear Leslie fussing, and trying with all her might to get Missy (our dog) to come to her. For a few weeks now, the girls grab her dry dog food bits and feed them to her as treats. Missy loves this, and seems to be the only way she likes her food. The problem arose when Kenna, with less food than Leslie, and much quieter as well, was getting Missy to follow her instead of Leslie.
Once we got that settled, Leslie went to plan B, which was to get more food, via her sandbox shovel, and carry it back to our room and feed her. We stopped that, and sent them back to the kitchen. Kenna lost interest at this point and went to do her own thing, but I could hear the little pieces of dog food rolling all over the kitchen. Presently, Leslie quietly goes down the hall, opens the closet and walks back out with her vacuum (its a copy of our big one and sort of works). Then I hear the sound of the mini-vac in the kitchen, cleaning up the mess they made.
Kenna re-enters the story, and when Leslie is done, she puts the vacuum up.
And I thought it was to be a boring Monday night.

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