Sunday, December 11, 2011

Things, They Are A-Changin'

Every semester means we lose some people.

Graduation is all at once joyous and sad for us at the Gate- and most churches with college students in them. We're excited to see the future unfold for the students graduating, and anxious to see where God takes them and to what He takes them. But, it means our time with them is done. Sure, they may come back and visit, but they are now off to join another body of believers, or perhaps, begin their own church.

Being a church that is north of ninety percent college student brings its own set of issues with graduation. While we have always said that the cool thing about it is we get to start over ever semester with fresh faces, the truth is there is always a bit of concern:
"What if we can't replace those we lose?"

Not just their numbers, but their impact. When a church is small, each member leaves more impact than they realize. We've lost impact members before- but at a trickle.

This December, it's coming as a flood.

We say goodbye to Chris Hill. Chris is about as close to an original member as we get these days. He's been vital to us in running sound and helping with set up. He offered his heart so often, willing to help and provide advice on so much. He liked us so much he stuck around for grad school! He was also instrumental in bringing people to the Gate. Which leads us to...

...Katherine Metz. She started coming because of Chris, and she grew into our planner. Without her, the Gate would have no student organization. She took that initiative on herself and ran with it. She kept us organized more than we'd like to admit.

Daniel Hall walked in on a Sunday we weren't expecting anyone to show up. Before long, he was in the worship leader rotation. That will teach someone to randomly show up to our church on a low attendance day. Daniel brought heart and sincerity with him each time he came.

Jared Egli and Maddie McBrayer get joint mention because, well they came together. They got involved in everything very quickly, and soon became leaders before we had time to recognize and try to equip them to be leaders. They spent their last semester with us leading worship, and doing great. Now, they are getting married in a month or so. (Disclaimer: the Gate can take no credit for that, they were already getting married when we met them.)

These folks were blessings to us while they were with us- perhaps more than they know. But this year, they are not the only loss to the Gate.

Wally and Christine Wellborn are stepping aside from leadership at the Gate. The Wellborns have been friends of Kristin and I since college, and our co-leaders of the Gate since inception. Wally served as small group coordinator, Gate Crashers coordinator, worship-leader-as-needed, sound guy, and tech guy, among many other things. Christine worked with the women, helped with children's activities when needed, and was often the voice of reason when ideas grew a bit outlandish.

God is calling them on from us, though they will still be around in the background, and I am sure, still praying for us. As we will for them, and all the graduates. Where ever God may take them, I know they will be a blessing to that ministry.

So the big question is, what is next? The small answer is: Change. The Gate has always viewed itself as a place of transition- a gate is not a place so much as a space between places, just like college is a space between childhood and adulthood- and this is no different. Bigger change, definitely, but change nonetheless.

With slightly more elaboration, the change coming means this: Students no have NO choice but to step up and lead. If the Gate is to remain, students will be the leaders of it. Yeah, Kristin and I will still be around in our usual roles, but the students we've always told they were vital to our church are all the more so now. We need your commitment, your vision, your passion, your time, your friends, your tithe, your ideas, your missions, and your leadership.

As I believed in Chris, Katherine, Daniel, Jared, Maddie, Wally and Christine- and all those others gone before them, I believe in you. Many of you are already leading, and you don't know it yet. The Gate has always been and will always continue to be the church for college students where you don't just "do" church, you ARE the church.

There is risk in the future for the Gate.

But it is a risk that is worth taking for all of us who already belong to the Gate, and for those yet to find us.

Let's take this transition together.

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