Friday, October 28, 2011

Birthday Wishes

So tomorrow is my birthday.

When you have kids, and when those kids have birthdays the same week as yours, you kinda fade to the background. I've gotten used to it now, and sort of like the fact it doesn't get noticed as much. Even with this 'birthday anonymity' I still have wishes, and since I get no candles to blow out, here they are:


I want to be free. I'd like to not have a desk job, and have more time to devote to family, church, and writing. The problem is, I'd also like to still have money to feed the family and provide for needs. Barring a miracle of financial proportions, my birthday wish is that I'd know more freedom internally. That I'd learn to be at peace more with things the way they are. Contentment. I think freedom is- to some degree- a state of mind. And I need to make the most of what I have.


I want to be excited about things again. I often talk about being passionate about God, and wanting more of this. That's really only part of it. I want to be passionate about life in general. I want to be a better and more engaged husband and father. I want to do the best I can at my day job and at my church leadership. I want to be more passionate about writing. I think passion leads to motivation, and when we feel unmotivated, what we really have is a lack of passion. I want to care about the things in my life more than I do. I want to become consumed with love for the things that matter, and be zealous in giving them my best.

Rescue of My Kids

My kids are reaching the age where they are really starting to understand God. At church, I've been blessed to see them singing during worship more often. A few days ago, Leslie asked for a Bible she could read when she goes to another local church on Wednesdays. My wish is that God would continue moving in their hearts, that He would rescue them from sin and that they would accept His gift. I wish Kristin and I could be the right examples, and have the right answers when needed.

To See God Move

I want to see God show up in our church. I want to see God show up in my family. I want to see God show up in my finances. I want to see God show up in my life. I want my life and these things around it to be neon signs pointing to God's works. I want it to be undeniable that God is doing something awesome and powerful, and that I am a part of it.


I get bored. I'd love for there to be some adventure to charge off on. I'd love a road trip, a physically challenging endeavor, a mystery to solve, or major happening to shake things up--in a good way.

So, there you have it. My wishes for the next year of my life. If you were looking for a wishlist that could be taken care of on Amazon, sorry to disappoint. And if you really insist on getting me something, a 2012 Black Camaro would sure help with that Excitement wish.

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