Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"How has attending this church changed you?"--Impact Questions

I just finished going to the Impact Ministry Fair- part of a incoming freshmen ministry ( that acts as a Christian Fish Camp ( for students coming to A&M and Blinn.  Around 1500 students come seeking a connection with God, and through the ministry fair held on the third day, to connect with local churches and religious organizations.  There are three sessions, and I went to the first and third.

And met a lot of people.

One guy hugged me.

It was awkward.

But the most interesting thing, aside from seeing the student's faces grow with excitement the more they mingled the room, was the questions.  They ranged from practical, to theological, to (at least to me) funny.  Some of my favorites:

-Do you guys meet in a bar on purpose, or was there just nowhere else you could go?
-Do I have to be 18 to attend your church?  Cuz I'm only 17.
-Is your church only for people a certain age- cuz it's in a bar?
-So, are you a church or what?

But my favorite isn't really funny.  In fact, it caught me by surprise.  It took me a second to respond, because I had never had this question asked of me- ever.  Not about any church I'd attended or served at.  And it should be asked.  Often.

How has attending this church changed you?

Now, I'm pretty sure the student thought I was a student also- I get that sometimes- so my initial response was to clarify just who I was (yeah, that was kinda prideful, sorry).  "Well, I started the church, so that was kinda a big change."

Now, I realized that was a ridiculous non-answer, and would help this student nary a bit in his search for a church home.  So, I followed up with how God has taught me patience, perseverance and to trust in Him.  I related stories of how our initial expectations went unmet and we had to lean on God and His timing- which was much slower than we liked.  I told of how we were often surprised how God did work.  We talked for a few minutes, then he went on his way.  I was left thinking about that question.

How has attending this church changed you?

The more I've thought about it, the more I realized just how much the Gate has changed me.  It's made me more diplomatic in dealing with people, but also strengthened my desire to never compromise the Gospel.  It's made me realize how much I love getting one on one with people and really talking God and our lives-the personal, deeper stuff.  It has made me hate apathy in my own life and the lives of those I care about so much more.  I've changed the way I view church, and it seems year by year I shed old formulas and start approaching it more freely.

Now, I say it's the Gate that's made these changes- but the Gate and its people are merely the tools, the instruments God uses to mold me.  Just like any church.  But, the question is still a sound one, and one that we all need to ask ourselves about own church.

How has attending this church changed you?

If you can't answer that- it's time to evaluate.  Churches exist to worship and spread the message of God.  Inherent in the message of Christ is that we grow and we change.  This change is facilitated primarily by the work of the Holy Spirit, but also by the work of the church and our own realizations and acceptance of what God is doing.  If you honestly can't say how attending your church has changed you- you need ask two questions:  1) What's wrong with me?   And 2) What's wrong with my church?  The follow up to both of those is What can I do to change the problem?  If it's you- seek God for His insight on what's wrong with you- your failings you can't see.  If it's the church, seek God's wisdom on how to lead out in fixing the situation.  And with the church- exhaust every effort to reconcile and heal the church- leaving is a last resort.  It is because it will do just as much damage to you as it will the church.  Churches- even broken ones- need people who are seeking God to make it all right.

So, I leave you with the question- and I hope you can answer it:

How has attending your church changed you?

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Wow! That IS a good question! I may have to use it sometime too.
