Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Conflict of Contentment

Greed is a theme of a lot of stories. But then, so is people who have it all discovering they miss the most important thing. For every "Wall Street" there is "A Christmas Carol."

The issue is contentment. Leslie and Kenna both (though its more Leslie) really seem to struggle with this when it comes to food. They may eat a full meal, but within five minutes, they want a snack. Then five minutes later, snack. And so on. Yes, I realize this teaching them horrible eating habits. And I'm not even going to get into the discussion about how if they see a toy ad they want it.

But thats natural for kids- to want more. And in some ways, I think thats healthy, as they are wanting to know more and explore more of their world and they desire stuff as a way of feedinf that.

Unfortunately, most people always struggle with contentment. I collect action figures, and as new sets of figures arrive every few months, I feel a strong desire to collect them. Alas, finances become an issue.

Kristin and I have been staring at a 20 x 25 foot mud pit where our back patio area is to be for more than a year, but the funds to complete the project aren't there. Everytime we clean the kitchen floor, our dog Missy (and I) track mud over the sparkly floor.

I know of people with money to do whatever they want, yet they never seem happy. Always looking over their shoulder lest it all go away. Or maybe hiding in their stuff to avoid getting close to other people unless its on their terms.

The conflict for all these is contentment. Paul says to be content whether in plenty or want, well fed or hungry. Rather than looking at what we don't have, we should be thankful for what we do have. So the next time I find myself stopping at another random Wal-Mart or Target to find the elusive Aquaman figure, I'll try to remember the super cool Green Lantern I have at home and be thankful.

Better yet, I'll just be thankful to have a home, and one filled with a wonderful family. Some of whom never seem to get enough to eat.

1 comment:

Amy said...

You know where you can get that rock for the patio.... ;)