Saturday, January 23, 2010

Waking Dreams

There is a song by Owl City that I hate, largely because of the instrumentals and seemingly nonsensical lyrics about fireflies. However, the overall message is that life is better in dreams. With this, I agree.

I've noticed that I tend to be more optimistic, more energetic and generally happier when I'm dreaming, or thinking and seeking vision. The excitement when we were planning the early stages of the Gate was palpable. Even in the midst of other trying times occuring simultaneously, I was happy. Recently, I've begun writing and planning more with the Gate, dreaming of opportunities, plotting out messages, and I've begun pursuing more writing opportunities in general. And things have been better.

I think about people I've known who stopped dreaming at some point, just resigned themselves to life as it was, and that it was always to be that way. They were walking dead. And they tended to not just be zombie-like, they tended to be vampiric as well, sucking the life out the dreams of others. I was never angry at them, but I did feel sorrow for them. Looking back, there have been times where I was a vampiric zombie myself. When we are like this, we are not the life of the party.

So what do we do to wake in dreams? Pursue what we love and let no one dissuade us. Have an open mind. Think big and don't settle. Stop letting other people and situations write your story- give the pen only to you and God (and pretty much let God do it all).

And while we're dreaming, someone please dream up a better song than Fireflies to get stuck in my head.


J.A.I.L said...

I've only heard of this group in the last couple days from other posts I have seen on Facebook. Listening to some on the Owl City website now... reminds me of Relient K without as much coolness. :-) If I never here Owl City again it probably won't hurt my feelings.


Lehrmann said...

Yeah, Not sure what it is about them, but its like nails on a chalkboard.