Monday, April 13, 2009

Kids say (and do) some strange stuff

OK, so we're trying to figure the best way to deal with Leslie saying "I wanna go to Harry's again," around strangers. Not odd in an of itself, but round here, "Harry's" is the name everyone calls the bar our church meets in. So strangers, who probably don't want to hang around the parents who take 2 and 4 year olds to the bar, think we have a barfly in training.

Some other things the kids have said or done lately:
Kenna-She comes sliding across the carpet on her knees, throws her hands up and says, "What am I doing?"
- We tell her to put up her toys, hand her some and send her on her way. She runs into Leslie, hands her the toys and runs off.
-If we call her anything but Kenna (Cutey, Happy, Silly, etc.) she kind of scowls and says, "I not ____, I Kenna!"
-Fits of crying come from her room at bedtime. "Whats wrong?" "I need my Alley (her monkey)?" Which is sitting beside her. We point this out. "Oh." Instant giggles from Kenna.

Leslie- Driving past a cemetery: "Hey, thats where they hide the bodies!"
-Leslie has an imaginary house, in California by the mountains, that changes colors. She also has two kids, whose name she can't remember and a car that changes colors.
-She names all of her stuffed animals (and the squirrel outside) names like Bowley. All the names end in -ley. Except her Beanie Baby bat--Bowleywing.
-Today, she got gum in her hair- "It just fell there." She now has about three inches less hair.

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