Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Big Weekend

So we decided to see how many things we could cram into one 3 day period. On Friday, I (Chad) took off for the day so we could host a table for the Gate at the Baptist Student Ministry. We were there for about 2 hours or so, and gave away a lot of goody bags (with scantrons, a popular thing around test time here). We met some fun people, and continued to build the buzz of 'the church in the bar' as one girl called us, after remembering us from Breakaway.
We left with little wiggle room to make it to the next event, Homecoming Parade in Mart, my hometown. Luckily ( said with THICK sarcasm) we made it just as the obscenely obnoxious train horn was let loose, repeatedly. I hate train horns on trains, and they are worse on purple golfcarts.
After that, we went to Mom's (or Gammana, as the girls call her. Its a combo of Gamma and Nana.) house for BBQ from my childhood church. Then there was the game, which was good for the seeing of some old friends, and the rare opportunity to spot a slight celebrity in the form of the local guy now starring on Friday Night Lights.
Saturday was my 10 year reunion. Kristin had worried she wouldn't know anyone, but soon found she had met almost half the people there, which was about half my class, or 20 ish of 40 ish. I loved seeing how everyone initially greeted everyone, then soon fell back to the groups they hung with High School. Its funny how people change, one guy was married with a kid, and I had thought just the night before how he might have been the guy knocking off the bank on the news the night before. Everyone was more grown up looking, yet still who they were back then.
Sunday was the Gate's second service at Harry's, and we gathered with the expectation of possibly less people than the first night. We were right, but not by much, and we were surprised to meet 3 new faces. One came with one of our regulars, the other two remembered us from Breakaway, a month before. They had to call friends who went clubbing to find us, as we neglected to put up an address for the bar. It was exciting to see that some things were really starting to get going, and we are hopeful for the next meeting on the 2 of November.

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